Specialized in the repair and mechanical maintenance of forklifts and material handling vehicles

See what we can offer based upon your needs.
All services
Mobile service units
Did you know that SécurLift offers a mobile on-site service and the mechanical maintenance of forklifts?
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Avantages SecurLift
- Repair of your equipment
- Preventive and annual maintenance (with inspection report)
- Repair and manufacture of hydraulic hoses
- 4 gas analysis test (with analysis report)
- Emergency service
- 24 hour – 7 day service
Please contact us for all purchases,
rentals, and the maintenance of all
material handling vehicles
Satisfied clients
« The Sécurlift teams intervene regularly and quickly for all our emergencies. The technicians are friendly and at our service.
« Very good service. Fast and competitively priced!
Pascal de GrandpreFarnham
« I recommend the services offered by Sécurlift. Security, speed, and seriousness. The technicians are friendly and at our service. I particularly appreciate the report of the repairs carried out by the technician.
You have questions? Contact us!
1005, boulevard Industriel,
Farnham, QC J2N 2X3